Tuesday, April 3, 2012

and I have returned! ^_~

      Man, What an insane few weeks we've had.. first of all I want to give a wonderful shout out to the amazing AT&T lady who flipped the wrong switch and shut off our Internet even though it was paid in full :) that week and a half of living like cavemen made things ever so awesome in this house ^_~ Seriously! We don't live on our the TV but it sure does make the mornings a lot smoother when I'm running around trying to get two little girls ready for school and get the boys breakfast to turn on some stupid kids show. It literally makes the chaos stop instantly haha! On really good mornings.. I may actually even get to sit down and drink a cup of coffee while once they are all ready for school and fed.. That's the amazing thing about netflix :) Our kids movie shopping has dropped down 100% Which also means, when people mess up and shut off our interwebs.. our movie collection is HORRIBLE in the eyes of children who are used to watching anything at the push of a button, and now we have to reach into these archaic cases and pull out DVDs or BLURAY! OOOH JEEZ MOM NOT THAT!!!! Doesn't seem that epic.. but I promise you, when you have 4 kids all of who want to watch they're favorite TV show's and we have NONE of them.. suddenly it's a scramble to find things to occupy that time.. even if it is for a short period.
The calmness of the morning when we have Netflix to entertain the kids

What they were doing without Netflix while I cried about the way my life turned out lmao

I felt one with my sleeping kids, guilty for all the  discipline  I had to give..
      Ok.. so let's see, The other day I started watching youtube and somehow found myself to some video's about evil children who kill :// And it made me take a deep look into the dark side of our family lmao.. I feel like I spend all day yelling at kids, Get off that, get away from there, don't touch that, stop hitting, whats wrong with you? why would you do that? No hitting,  No we can't do that.. yadi yadi ya.. and I texted my Dave and started telling him how I think we need to be more patient with the kids, because I personally don't wanna wake up dead one day at the hands of one of our minions, I had one of those zen moments when everything was clear and I knew how I should handle things.. SO of course when I wake up in the morning.. 4 hours later.. all four kids are awake, have been awake for god knows how long.. and have devoured an ENTIRE bag of family sized chips.. crumbs strewn through the entire house, the baby had also gotten a hold of the soy milk and spilled it all over the floor.. SERIOUSLY!?!?! I took a deep breath.. counted to 10 and unleashed the fury of mommy.. LOL!
I woke up to realize that was just a crazy moment and that my kids  love pushing buttons till  I yell lol!

Grounded! Girls.. You're grounded!
 WHYYYYY MOMMMY!!!!!!! It wasn't us!!!! (This coming from the girls who we just discovered were getting up in the middle of the night and stealing candy and cheese.. and since they are super sneaky.. decided to throw it out the hole in the screen of the window.. because we wouldn't see it when we went outside :P  Logan and Tristan are crying because they are not getting cereal for breakfast and are starving, even though they both have the evidence of stealing on their faces and clothes.. oh you mean chips with flavor dust on it leaves evidence?? Logan even asks me, Mommy? Why are you so meeeeeeeaaan!!!! I was like.. because you're stealing from us! Sneaking food is stealing, and super hero's don't steal! Your a villain!! :/ lol of course he super emo'd into his room, while the girls are whining around the house asking why i'm so mad.. LOL! Zen moment.. over! I think they are psychic and realize that I'm trying to be more patient with them so they decide to do the most horrible things they can.. 4 hours after I made the decision! AHHH!!

    Anyway, on a happier note, we spent all weekend outside. Cleaned up a ton of this wanna be back yard of our house.. got some grass seed planted, and created a tiny little garden ^_^! I'm hoping I can keep it alive. Thanks to my friends Mary and Emily for coming over and sweating with us on this super crazy 90 degree spring:) Hopefully one day we will be able to sit outside on our porch and enjoy what we see..but right now its still a complete disaster. Oh..and apparently because of the lawn mower Dave purchased, an old school push mower with no engine.. the neighbors think we are Amish lmao! Never mind the cars in the driveway, or the music BLARING out of the house while we are cleaning the yard.. oh and the tattoo's covering my shoulder and legs, which are bare since I'm wearing a tank top and shorts in this heatwave.. definitely screams Amish rejects..

    So, Adrianna turned nine this week.. and for her birthday she got a few gift cards for Walmart and Target.  Since she's gotten them she has offered to let us use them about a hundred times lol!! We must be doing something right, because she can be very sweet :) I went to get the kids some new pajamas.. cuz I heart pajama's lmao and she offered me both gift cards.. I went to go get something for dinner, she offered me the gift cards, practically anytime I leave the house she's asking me if I need to use her gift cards because.. cuz since she'll be using or eating whatever it is we buy, she feels she should share her money:) Absolutely adorable. She also just got done with her parent teacher conference..and did AMAZING! Only problems she has is turning in her homework (because her baby brother smashes it) and her reading log. over all I'm so proud of her :) Charlie also got her report card in and she is also doing exceptionally well now that we've transitioned her back into kindergarten. She's full of excitement and wants to go to school for a change.. and that is really nice ^_^! Anyway.. I'm sure there is a ton more that I wanted to write about.. but its time for homework and dinner.. so me time is over ^_^ Let the chaos begin!!! I leave you with these amazing images

I would freak out if Totoro was standing at my bus stop in the rain!!! Literally glomp him with tons o hugs! 

I wish I could make thought bubbles visible on top of my head.. because anytime someone at work gave me some stupid argument as to why I am wrong.. I would pop this image above my head and end all arguments instantly! 

This is one of the coolest/strangest things I've ever seen.. a claw machine  game with live lobsters??? WHY CAN'T THIS HAPPEN IN OUR WORLD!!!
 Anyway! Hope you enjoyed delving into my crazy world :) Share with your friends.. DO IT! DO IT NOW! or don't I care not :) either way thanks for reading.