Thursday, March 1, 2012

And so it begins, brief description of glorious chaos...

    So.. I decided to start a blog. Not because I have anything super amazing to say, but because I have 4 kids who are absolutely insane. If I don't talk about it, I'll explode!!! ^_^; They are eight, six, four, and two. Lights of my life but, if you're a parent you understand when I say.. OMFG!

    Right now my oldest, Adrianna is grounded. She has been grounded for over a week. She talked back to her dad and turned a simple grounding into something way blown out of proportion. We let her relax during one day when I had a friend come over, and of course she took full advantage of it. But then the next day when she started acting up again, she had the nerve to tell her dad and I both that our punishments are stupid and that they don't teach her a lesson because we aren't hard enough on her. (in a smart ass manner btw) so now.. We have our own personal slave! YAY!!! I personally took it upon myself to let her see what it's like to be mommy and daddy for a week. She's gotten to clean up her brothers room, her own room, sweep the kitchen and unload/load the dishes all this week. Once we get it to a neutral clean, she's gonna learn how to do laundry ^_~  Oh yea she also gets to get bedtime all ready, pajama's for everyone.. toothpaste on toothbrushes, brushing hair.. It's been real nice. And since she's 8 her mouth is constantly getting her into trouble. So her one week personal maid grounding has continually reset itself a few times already.. We are now going on week two YAY! A mom could get used to this:)
Dressed for success, for her school muscial..

    My 6 year old, Charlotte is your typical princess. Always running around in a dress, flittering through the house like she has wings, and is a little gaming nerd. Right now she is jumping off our couch as high as she can while wearing her fairy wings trying to learn how to fly. She's been practicing for quite a while and I honestly believe if anyone is gonna figure out how.. It'll be her.
She found a heart shaped corn flake on Valentine's day.. 

    Logan is the 4 year old. He's your typical boy...except for his emo tendencies his beautiful long brown hair is always half hanging in his face, and any time things don't go exactly his way.. this LOOOONG loud misery ensued waaaail comes screaming out of him. When you send him into his room this long spew of 4 year old cursing streams out of his mouth. I don't mean swear words though.. he speaks in tongues.. most of the words you can make out are him bitching out whoever hurt his feelings and how he's SO MAD AT THEM. How he wants them to go away, or go to work and leave him alone! Like I said.. Emo kid! Oh, he also has an alter ego.. Spider-man! This boy will introduce himself as Spider-man before he tells you his real name. He also won't leave the house unless he has his spidey socks, underwear, and shirt on. He's also mentioned a few times that I need to find him spidey pants so he can be the real deal!

Logan, full of emo and rocking the old man hat
   And then we have Tristan, this kid.. is probably the coolest 2 year old I HAVE EVER MET! He looks just like Thor, and acts like Thor! He uses his mighty smash, be it with his hammer or his fists to destroy everything and everyone. This kid has no idea how strong he really is. Earlier today he came running up to me with his (gasp) toy gun and told me I was a bad guy.. my response was he's the bad guy, cuz Tristan is a bad word.. this little man's response to me was.. with a silly grin.. I'm not a bad word Mommy, I didn't say fuck.... That's right.. dropped the F word, just like it was normal. How did I respond you ask? I cracked up laughing to be honest. He knew it was a bad word, so I couldn't really yell at him. I told him not to say that word anymore and he went about his business hehe. Which included running up to his sister, singing full blast, HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND, I THINK YOU NEED A NEW ONE! and punched her in the gut. -shake my head- all this.. happened in 5 mins.

Yep.. that's how he rolls.. gunsword in his diaper, headband of nerdlyness and  his gallon of milk.. coolest kid you'll ever meet lol
Imagine the stories I have to tell in the coming posts, it's a wild crazy ride. Everyday I have a new Oh wtf moment in this chaotic house:) We have lots of fun.. and laugh a lot. I wouldn't change it for the world.. well.. maybe a little.. A giant Lego house would be cool, with wallpaper that tasted like gumdrops.. and smelled of elder berries. Oh! And if the Goblin King made regular appearances, pointing off into the distance, saying turn back sarah.. before it's too late. Yea.. that would be awesome! Anyway.. that's all I got for now.. enjoy this picture of a kitty dressed like link.. woo!!


  1. HAHAHAHAH!!! I love the pics with it =)

    1. yay! thanks Jen:)Im hoping to post all the weird shit that goes thru my head.. and happens with Dave and the kids on a daily basis ^__^ it's gonna be fun, I think!
