Tuesday, March 6, 2012

epic video's are epic.. :)

Bleck.. working sucks. Useful for buying things, and paying bills.. but definatly sucks.. I didn't even see my girls at all today. I slept thru them getting ready for school, and was at work before they got home. Baby Thor has decided that he wants to go thru the terrible two's and is now making things so much weirder and crazy around here. I woke up this morning to him sneaking into the fridge and eating cheese sticks.. When I got up, I discovered that every single toy that was in the two toy boxes in his room had been taken out and thrown all around the ENTIRE house YAY! stepping on a toy car sucks lots when you're half asleep :P ANYWAY! Since I didn't really have a whole lot of time at home today to see my babies.. again. I thought I'd share some more video's that made me laugh.

This guy.. cracks me the fuck up! Seriously what was he thinking? I wish I could be inside his head. I watched this video like 20 times the first time I saw it. SO FUNNY!!!! 

Ok.. so since Street fighter X Tekken came out today.. I felt it fitting to show you a few of my favorite Guile theme goes with everything video. It's true. The guile theme really does make EVERYTHING just a little bit more epic. Check these video's out.

See! this clip of 300 was a very awesome scene.. but yet its made all the more epic when Guile's theme gets thrown in the mix! So much better!!

Whats more awesome than a bunch of old men probably drunk, in a field dancing...? A BUNCH OF OLD MEN PROBABLY DRUNK, IN A FIELD DANCING TO THE GUILE THEME I SAY! These guys are fucking fantastic now! lol!

this guy.. totally showed that copy machine who's boss, cept it was the printer that prematurly ejaculated on him.....

ahh good old Leroy Jenkins..

Ok, enough about Guile's theme. Here is a classic video for you nerd lovers :) Enjoy!
Seems like a good time to show you this video.. I still quote this shit today ^_^ So funny! I know that I am a HUGE nerd.. but this is going way to far lol

even reno 911 agree's that this shit is worth noting and laughing at ^_~ that means its for seriously funny!
Anyway.. enough of this, I need to get to sleep since the kids seem to like to get me up now at 430 am.. please enjoy this image of David Bowie's epic jiggle pants :) 

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